Love Christmas with St Mary’s Andover

For Love Christmas, St Mary’s Andover ran their Host a Roast scheme, delivering 265 food boxes to over 195 families in need, and providing 1060 meals.


Each food box contained enough food for a family of four.

They included items such a fresh fruit and vegetables, fresh meat and sauces as well as puddings and activities for the children around Christmas time. This was a collaborative project, as it grew, so did their capacity and they were able to support some secondary schools, older people and crisis centres. Also partnering with local businesses to provide much of the fresh food. They mobilised teams of church congregation volunteers by running packing days in the church, and teams of drivers from different Connect Groups who dropped off the meals. The project was a huge success with the volunteers, families and schools all expressing their enjoyment as being involved and gratitude for Love Christmas.


A heartfelt thank you