Why get involved with Love Christmas?

On top of all the other festive activities, you’d be forgiven for not wanting to add another thing to your to-do list… but Adrian Morgan, Vicar of St Catherine’s in Swansea gives us three reasons why it’s not too late (and you’re not too busy!) for churches and other organisations to get involved with Love Christmas this year.


It’s making a difference

The highlight for me was working with some amazing people from across our community to make a real difference in Jesus’ name. We delivered 4,000 prescriptions, almost 2,000 food parcels, linked 80 shopping buddies with vulnerable people across our community and 142 phone buddies, turning isolation into connection. Then, thanks to people’s generosity and the help of Love Christmas, we were able to send out hundreds of Love Christmas boxes, full of Christmas teats, or fresh fruit, vegetables, and milk for children in vulnerable families across our community. We estimate that the project has been able to provide 140,000 pieces of fruit, which is enough for 1 price of fruit per day for 2,800 children for ten weeks. 


It's encouraging

It reminded the church that we are part of a much bigger Christian family, and it was so good to know that we were being prayed for and supported by other Christians all over the country. People have been so moved by the reaction of the recipients of the boxes — some were in tears and really couldn’t understand why we would just want to give them something, without expecting anything in return. It was a real and practical outpouring of grace, and it has motivated our volunteers to do more outreach. In fact, we did a similar project at Easter last year because Love Christmas was so powerful. 


It raises faith

Don’t be daunted by the idea of getting involved, thinking that your church is too small, or your volunteers are too old or too few. Pray and trust that God will open doors. Talk to people about your project and invite the community to get involved. We’ve found that the response has been amazing, and it has been a real conversation starter about the big questions of life and faith, which we are praying that God will use to do some incredible thing.

If you’re an individual, church, business, school or other organisation and would like to get involved, head over to lovechristmas.org


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