Together for a common goal

Have a read of some of the many ways churches, and different organisations, got involved with Love Christmas 2022.


Spreading hope 

Inspiring people to get involved with Love Christmas, especially amongst the usual chaos of Christmas, isn’t easy. But across the UK, over 6,000 volunteers got stuck in – delivering over 100,000 Bags of Kindness. There were so many imaginative ways that organisations, schools, and businesses got people motivated to get involved. Even with rising costs at the forefront of people’s minds, they still spent time and energy to help their neighbours.


“We’ve had some amazing reactions, I had one lady literally hanging out the window, thanking us for shortbread, people are desperate to find community, and this is where they know they can come.”  

Dee, Volunteer


Building with business 

Up in Inverness Vineyard Church in Scotland, partnerships were being made with local businesses. With packing events scheduled to get local people involved, local businesses stepped in to add to the festivities and giving. Black Isle Bar & Rooms hosted a beer and carols event – which sounds like a very jolly night! Hosting this night at no cost to Inverness Vineyard freed up some vital resources and funds. As well as money being donated on the night, patrons who donated hampers were rewarded with a free drink by the bar. Everyone quickly had a reason to donate! With the bar covering the tab, the hampers were then given to a charity called Gateway, part of the Highland Homeless Trust. They went on to distribute them to families in need in time for Christmas. Some great local work by a great local business!


“Last week we gave out 80 bags of kindness to vulnerable women in our community through a partner charity - Safe and Sound. One of the women cried when she received the bag and simply said "I feel loved." “

Anonymous recipient  


Building communities

The Pill Trust in Newport, Wales had an extraordinary response from their local community. More than 20 volunteers came together. Friends and strangers gathered with a shared goal – to spread kindness to their small community. As a result, 800 Bags of Kindness were packed and delivered to 800 people. Having been given addresses from local schools of those who might benefit from a delivery, the volunteers set out to deliver when and where they could. The motivation and effort really showed – with around half of the neighbourhood receiving a Bag of Kindness! We can only imagine the atmosphere of love and hope that was in the air and what that meant to every unsuspecting family who received a delivery.


Working hard 

The spirit of kindness and generosity has been so clear after Love Christmas. It’s a testament to the resilience and selflessness of so many that – even with rising costs – thousands of volunteers from organisations and businesses were able to pack and distribute thousands of hampers to thousands of people. There isn’t nearly enough room to tell all the stories here, but we’re looking forward to seeing this kindness flow throughout 2023. 


There for one, there for all


This is why we Love Christmas